Row Highlighting for Template Names in Reports Manager
After a while, schools end up with a long list of templates in the Reports Manager module. There are icons for editing/archiving/deleting these templates which are to the far right-hand side of the template names. The distance between these icons ...
Import from KJ's TimeTabler should use the TG year and block information when creating sets
The TimeTabler export file has teaching group lines like:G,10C-Art,10C-Art,Art, ,C,10,N,10ABCDEFGHIJP,IV,10A,10B,10C,10Dwhich in addition to she short and long set names and subject, include the block information (5th field) and year group (6th fi...
Please make the County dropdown appear all the time. I have configured a global list of Malaysia counties with corresponding codes for each county. This is statutory requirement for einvoice implementation in Malaysia. User is required to choose o...
As it is required that invigilators confirm identity of all exam candidates it would be ideal to be able to upload private external exam candidate's photographs
Ability to Disable Guest Accounts Creation and Customize Submission Page
It would be good if the school has control on guest user account creation since the portal belongs to school and the account is being created without our knowledge. From the Admission portal, anyone can create a guest account which we do not want ...
Allow visibility of specific external exam cycles within the portals
We're currently gearing up for the January mocks, but our exams team are importing basedata for the summer exams and starting to link pupils to get their entries set up. While we want pupils to see the details around the mocks, we don't want them ...
It would be useful if when you added a member of staff as unavailable they system checked if they were already allocated to cover and alerted or removed the cover.
Making gradebooks, current and historic, available/published onto pupil profiles
We only use Gradebooks for academic progress and performance. We are battling to find a meaningful way of viewing a particular student's progress on their pupil profiles. Currently, it seems as though the Gradebook integration into pupil profiles ...
We want to be able to have more than one teacher marked for a set for example PE and Sports. Then the additional teachers can see the lesson in their timetable and also be marked as unavailable for Cover. This is different to associated teachers w...