Use Private Candidates for both Internal & External Exam Manager
It would be great if we could add private candidates to Internal Exams Manager in order to keep our current cohort data accurate and avoid interference with historic info. Each year we have roughly 10 former students who return for resits. We also...
Customer Statement in iSAMS Parent Portal to show all transactions
The customer statement in iSAMS parent portal only shows outstanding transactions from iFinance. However, most parents would like to see all their spending and payments in their statement. This has led us to not be able to allocate payments at all...
It would be useful to see in the cover manager audit, the record details that the audit refers to. Currently it is just listed with the changes to an entry number( ie XXX editied #175) but with no way of matching which teacher/lesson etc this reco...
Default the ‘preferred surname’ field content to match the content of the ‘surname’ field rather than being blank
In the forthcoming addition of ‘preferred surname’ field to Student Manager and Admissions Manager could the software please default the ‘preferred surname’ field content to match the content of the ‘surname’ field rather than being blank. Users t...
Currently a staff meeting can only be scheduled in one period (Timetable Manager -> Manage Staff Meetings). Please allow multiple periods to be selected (using ctrl+click is fine) for a meeting so that we don't have to re-create a new meeting a...
It would be really useful to be able to reorder the portal forms in the Manage Portal Forms section of Admissions Manager. Currently they appear in the order you create them. We are a foundation of 4 schools and it would be useful to be able to gr...
As Assessment Manager it is essential to be able to bulk lock gradebooks to restrict entry or changes to previously entered data. I can see upwards of 300 markbooks; the ability to do bulk lock them in a similar way to bulk archive or map is imper...
Photo / image stored against each student contact (optional)
We should be able to upload a photo against each contact in the same way that we can against staff and students. These should be available via the API and other reports.
Spreadsheet Download/Upload for Personal Tutors in Reports Wizard
The spreadsheet download/upload method in the Reports Wizard is available for subject teachers, HoDs and other staff types, but not personal tutors. It would be great if this method was available for personal tutors too.