It would be good to be able to make old VAT codes (eg pre Brexit codes) inactive to prevent accidental posting to them. Improves accuracy and most other accounting software have this capability.
The ability to create a letter from within iFinance would make the credit control process much more efficient and less prone to error. We are a school and our customer accounts are fee-paying parents. From the Sales > Customers screen, for each...
Notification when reports have gone live (and when the deadline is approching)
Some form of automated notification when reports go live (and when the deadline is approaching). Ideal this could be an email to report writers, but it could also be a posting on the Daily Bulletin. Thanks
Show an icon in the cell to indicate a comment exists - very similar to marking a student exempt etc. Our HoD want to add intervention comments after certain assessment points, but there is no indication that a comment exists for that cell. At the...
Please could we have the facility of importing the summary attendance data from CTFs into EdGen? I'm referring to the session summary figures contained in the following tags within the CTF. There will usually be one set of these for each year of p...
It would be useful if when you added a member of staff as unavailable they system checked if they were already allocated to cover and alerted or removed the cover.
Ability to publish multiple reports from a single cycle
We have some report cycles where parents will receive an interim report via the Parent Portal which will have the scores and grades from some progress tests. Later on they'll receive one with comments. The issue is that between now and then some p...
In the Medical Centre module, after selecting a checkbox next to a student record, could the email wizard option be made available in the dropdown menu?
It will be useful to be able to print a day register with an option of AM or PM for which we dont have at the moment. We can only print week view and also with no option of AM/PM. Please can you look into this and make it accessible to this very u...