Is it possible to use the information in Scholarships & Exams to create an icon similar to when using student registers? We want our Scholars easily identified on student manager and the icons from student registers would work really well.
Linking the Scholarship & Exams info to Student Registers would be very helpful. This way scholars are easily identifiable to teachers via the icons available on Student Registers. It also makes it then easier to email scholars as a group via ...
If ADDING pupils to sets manually. You need to have a warning which shows if a Pupil is already in another set in the same 'department' or the same 'subject'. Nothing to avoid you adding Pupils to a bunch of sets when they already appear in anothe...
Allow option to prevent negative fee total for billing
Many of our pupils have more than one bursary or scholarship type and as these are input via percentages, it would be useful to disable negative balances in the fees total to prevent any errors being made by over crediting.
There are many more exam access arrangements listed in the Exam Access Arrangements JCQ guidelines see link which you do not have listed a vailable in the registters : AA_regs_Revision_One_Sep23_FINAL.pdf ( , an example would be Timetab...
Publishing cover printouts automatically to Daily Bulletin Manager
I would like to be able to publish from Cover Manager directly to the Daily Bulletin rather than saving a PDF printout and manually creating a new bulletin post each day. Rather than staff just seeing their own cover, they can see the cover overvi...
Sales account credit balances to be taken into consideration for direct debits
We have several credits on sales accounts but the direct debit calculations do not take this into consideration. We have opted for the brought forward balances to be shown on the invoices but have had several parents saying that there is an error ...
Notification when reports have gone live (and when the deadline is approching)
Some form of automated notification when reports go live (and when the deadline is approaching). Ideal this could be an email to report writers, but it could also be a posting on the Daily Bulletin. Thanks
We want to be able to have more than one teacher marked for a set for example PE and Sports. Then the additional teachers can see the lesson in their timetable and also be marked as unavailable for Cover. This is different to associated teachers w...
It would be really useful if a search filter was added to the Wellbeing module from Student registers. This would be useful when setting up indicator workflows in Wellbeing- to be able to filter down to pupils who are on a particular register.