On the old calendar view on the Parent Portal you had the option to view a whole day, a whole week, a whole month, or a whole term. It would be great if those views were also available on the new cloud portal.
Need to export reports to Excel with preferred name and surname in separate columns and in title case: | PreferredName| Surname |Class | Year | This would be much more helpful when completing mail merge. Currently unable to use data efficiently fo...
Delete Runs in the Portal Publishing Tab of Report Printing
The list of Runs can contain some that were never used or had to be replaced. It would be useful to be able to delete these. You can delete Routines but not Runs
Allow iSAMS administrators to delete custom/existing reports
Over the years, iSAMS users in my school have created & shared various custom reports in Student Manager (i.e. select the pupils > pink drop-down on the top right > Exporting & Reports > Export Wizard). A lot of the custom reports...
Gradebooks - function to automatically create gradebooks for each set/class and assigned to each teacher.
Gradebooks - A feature to automatically create gradebooks for each set/class, and assigned to the relevant teacher. Isams already has also this information, so it seems like it is something that should be straightforward to implement. If additiona...
Show Room Closures in Room Cover for non timetabled periods
Currently when to add a Room closure in the Cover Manager for a period that is FREE in ISAMS, the room is effectively Booked, but it doesnt appear anywhere in for staff to see this other than in the Cover Module itself. The issue is then if staff ...
It is currently not possible to see which template a column has been mapped to on the front end once the mapping has been added as it only shows the element name. It would be useful to be able to see the template too.
It would be useful for teachers and admin staff to be able to access to check that a parent is correctly identifiable when collecting students on campus.
It's great you have discipline beta on the REST api now now, can we also have update and create methods. We have lots of pastoral workflows that result in detention and we currently have to send an email to an admin person to enter them manually, ...