Currently the Parent Portal is limited as to the data it can show, via a fixed list of Features. The Parent Portal would be more valuable if we could display more data on it. For example, we have plans in a SEN student register which we would like...
To create additional email field under "1st Person Contact" area in Student Contact Details. Currently there is only one email address field. Some parents has personal email address or school provided email address. It would be great if there is a...
Option not to show SEN flags if Pupils are now "off register"
If the "SEN" characteristic is included in the gradebooks, it currently still shows a SEN flag for all pupils who have historically been on the SEN register - even when pupils have been moved "Off register" in the new "Pupil registers" module. It ...
The SEN Types list in the requirements section of the SEN register is not sorted alphabetically (screenshot attached). This occurs when new SEN Types codes are added. This is a request to allow us to sort or at the very least for iSAMS to set the ...
when you create and electronic form and use the date field, for any date ie dob, date of transport, date of signing the form, the year starts at 1923! Obviously we don't select 1923 often, could the years available be revised please?
Mandatory a.m. & p.m. registrations included in the Cover manager module
At present, a.m. and p.m. registrations can only be covered using the Cover Manager module by creating registration lessons in Timetable manager. This is time-consuming and having attempted it, the timetable went out of synch. Given the mandatory ...
Option to update existing concern from new indicator/concern
It would be good if there was the option of updating an existing Concern from a newly created Indicator or Concern. We're just getting set up to use this module for the first time, and it seems like there might be times when a new Indicator or Con...
Can we have the ability to archive rejected or withdrawn admissions but still have access to them for reporting purposes.
I would like the option to be able to archive Rejected or Withdrawn admissions so that they do not show up when looking at all students but are specifically available when wanting to report on Archived Admissions.