It would be really useful for us to be able to batch edit the enrolment year field. I am in the throes of 'rolling up' last year's enquiries and can easily bath edit the Year on Entry field (ie to 2025, from 2024), but what I can't find a way to d...
If when a class is created and it has been incorrectly misspelled the only option is create another and then transfer the pupils over which create extra process's. If the functionality allowed to edit then it would save admin time if these problem...
Hidden Description of Reward & Conduct in parent portal
As our school are going to activate the parent portal and open to our parents, there might be some data we have decided to be not shown to parents, for example, the description of Reward & Conduct, please take a look at the specific details in...
When booking meetings the ability to duplicate over both weeks and also create meetings that span multiple periods to be entered in one go instead of manually doing a meeting over 2-3 periods which is prone to errors and time consuming.
Registration data procedures should not require a registration group to have a teacher
Registration should be designed with the focus on ensuring that the pupils can be registered as easily as possible. However, as currently implemented, if you have a registration rule that includes a student group that does not have a teacher assoc...
Academic Search to include any set a Teacher teaches
When using the Academic tab in Pupil Manager search, only sets/classes show for the Primary Teacher of a set. Can this be changed to show all sets/classes a teacher teaches. Currently 2 teachers could share a set and have 4 periods each but only o...
Simple creation of a duplicate record for a Foundation with multiple schools
For a Foundation of schools such as ours, it would be useful to easily duplicate an existing record, whether this be an enquiry or application. We often receive enquiries / applications to two schools within the Foundation and for statistics purpo...
Ability to manually search for a matching enquiry to an application via Portals
It is frustrating that there isn't a way to manually search for a pre-existing enquiry record under the Portals module in Admissions Manager when a registration is received (despite knowing full well there is one!), in order to merge the records. ...
It would be useful to be able to add custom section/s and fields to the Family section of Pupil/Student Manager and Admissions, with fields able to link to Admissions forms. For example, I would use this for adding relative connections with the sc...