Be able to view reports and bill on Cloud Parent Portal
Currently when i try to view or download bill and reports using the Parent Portal they will now display. They need to be viewable using and iOS PDF application.
Some students have recurring appointments but these have to be logged individually. Please could you provide a recurring out of school tick box so that they can be scheduled?
We have multiple R&C categories, and some of them were set is for recording students' class performance, but we cannot choose to send notifications to HoD. To better reflect students' classroom performance to parents and, for students about to...
At the moment these can only be created or deleted. I wanted to reword something and now have to delete and recreate the field whereas in Student manager I can edit m,y custom fields.
Option to pull data from Reports Wizard into Gradebooks
Currently, there is the ability to pull data from Reports Wizard into the Data Tracking module but there isn't an ability to pull this through to Gradebooks.
Would it be possible to add a feature that sends an automatic email to teachers who forget to take the register. This could be customised to choose a time period after the class or only for AM registrations, for example.
SO tedious to add one set and then another one using the painful dropdown menu. You need to at least be able to multiple select the sets from the huge dropdown (which also needs to be able to be filtered by year group).
Automated return of deposit on leavers final invoices
If the leaving date or term of a pupil was able to be entered into iSams/Fee Billing and Fee Billing then knew that any deposit registered as being held needed to be added to the final bill for that pupil, it would be much more efficient and need ...