Would it be possible to add a feature that sends an automatic email to teachers who forget to take the register. This could be customised to choose a time period after the class or only for AM registrations, for example.
To be able to change the defaults to our personal preferences would be great. To be able to pull Allergy and food preferences on a set report would speed things up for trips and visits
Editing others' general comments is a pain compared to editing the usual report comments. To edit a general comment, you need to go into Report Wizard as that member of staff to make these changes, rather than being able to do this from the report...
When adding a staff meeting or tutorial in Timetable Manager, this has to be done one period at a time, which is very inefficient. You should be able to select multiple periods at once across all weeks of the timetable cycle for any common meeting...
Allow for character limit advice and suggestions within the general comment section of the report template. There's a way of limiting the length of other report comments, so its an anomaly that you cannot do this here.
In the Pupils Notes Report window, please add an option for 'Select All' under Note Type. It's a long list of the different types and such trouble to tick them one by one. Thank you.
Remove staff members first names from parent cloud portal
Under School Profile, Attendance, the full name of the teacher who took the register is displayed to parents. This should display as Mr/Mrs/Miss/Mx and Surname, rather than the full name of the teacher.