We are using AD for Authorisation, All staff users are not able to reset the password with Security Question. If possilbe to disable this function would be great
We would like to add a text box that we can populate with relevant information that can be shown as part of the overview from student registers. For example, we're using the module for our EAL students. In there it shows their current EAL phase, t...
Send single R&C email when multiple awards or sanctions are submitted.
Send single R&C email when multiple awards or sanctions are submitted. When a teacher adds multiple rewards or sanctions for a pupil using the wizard (e.g. 3 merits) send these in a single email rather than 3 separate emails which all go one a...
Calculate columns need to be visible to Tracking Manager.
We use the Tracking Module to view the progress of students. At the moment the calculated columns are not visible in the Tracking Manager and it is only possible to view data that was entered rather than calculated and transposed information.
I'm continually asked to provide a statistics on how many parents read the reports generated through the Portal Publishing section of the Report Printing module, honestly it would even be useful to tell which parents have download reports but we c...
Allow update of external exam arrangements for non-SEN pupils
After migrating to the new Student Registers, our SEN staff could no longer update or add exam access arrangements for pupils not on the SEN register. This has to be done in the External Exams module, which SEN staff only have read access to. It w...
It would be very beneficial to be able to upload/import new staff basic details (Title, Forename, Surname, gender etc) rather than having to go through the whole Wizard for every new staff member.
Quick View Details accessed via the Wizard Bar/Student Manager - is useful when wanting to obtain Contact details and Attendance information in one handy search. We would like to see an Additional Tab within Quick View for Rewards and Conduct as t...
Ability to view activity reports awaiting completion
It would be great to be able to view which activity reports have been completed, in the same way that subject and form tutor reports can be checked in Reports Manager, as in the attached image.
Please could all Census relevant fields be included in Export Wizard? For example, there is no way to check that the Census Staff Role is complete for all staff without checking them one by one.