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IRIS PlusPay

Showing 16

Voluntary Contribution Payments (NOT DONATIONS)

The Village (Prince Regent Street Trust) have requested to be able to set up a trip with a value, which is a voluntary contribution. Some parents can't pay anything toward the trip, some parents can partial pay or pay in full. Suggestions so far; ...
Sharmaigne Watson 5 months ago in IRIS PlusPay 0

To enable school administrators to build custom reports

No description provided
Julia Vekrikas about 2 years ago in IRIS PlusPay 1 Will not implement

Low Balances Reminders on Registers

Putteridge Infant School and other schools - have requested that low balance reminders be set per price band, and not per register. Currently, you can set a low balance reminder, but this will set a reminder to all students, including those who ar...
Sharmaigne Watson 4 months ago in IRIS PlusPay 0

Central Function for Register Creation

Kernow Learning Trust (and other trusts) want to be able to create and manage the parameters of registers, whilst leavings schools to manage the day to day register functions. Kernow want for all schools to operate in the same way. We did discuss ...
Sharmaigne Watson 4 months ago in IRIS PlusPay 2

Payment Items - Deposit + Instalment Payments

Kernow Learning Trust (and many other schools) set up a residential trip where the number of deposits received determines the remaining cost of the trip. In this instance, all schools would need to create a payment item for the deposit, and then c...
Sharmaigne Watson 4 months ago in IRIS PlusPay 1

Repeat bookings in View/Take Register

Some schools prefer to not allow parents to make wrap around register bookings, preferring to book them in via View/Take Register, with plenty of notice so that they can allocate the appropriate number of staff. The Acorn Education Trust want to m...
Guest 7 months ago in IRIS PlusPay 0

Menu Changes - Email

Kernow Learning Trust have commented that every time a menu change is edited into the Register Schedule, parents are emailed about this. If they are changing all items on a menu, across a week, this generates many emails per child. Could there be ...
Sharmaigne Watson 4 months ago in IRIS PlusPay 1

Register Changes - Childcare Vouchers

Kernow Learning Trust (and many other schools) have taken the decision to create 2 registers for their breakfast club, and 2 for their after school club. Since they don't want ALL parents to have access to the debt threshold necessary for childcar...
Sharmaigne Watson 4 months ago in IRIS PlusPay 1

Allow separated parents to make separate payments

Where parents are separated, and one parent is in receipt of childcare vouchers and the other does not. Currently, both parents have access to this balance. Is it possible to add a button into the checkout, giving a choice of being able to draw do...
Sharmaigne Watson 5 months ago in IRIS PlusPay 1

To be able to run a report of all allergens, to take along to a trip

Brunswick School has suggested it would be very useful if they could run a report which listed all allergens, for members of staff to have to hand when going on a school trip. As it stands, they can view the allergens on ParentMail, but cannot eas...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS PlusPay 1 Awaiting Prioritization