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IRIS PS Purchasing

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Select personalised fields in reports

I run an Outstanding Purchase Orders by Supplier report every week to remind everyone what needs to be GRNd, and spend hours deleting unnecessary columns and manually, line by line, adding in the department/user that created each order. Would it b...
Kath Tooley 11 days ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Already exists

Providing feedback

I am setting up workflows currently and receiving support from Advantage. I do not always receive the feedback link within the case resolution email. I think it would be good to have a link attached to each case logged via the Iris platform, where...
Guest 22 days ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Will not implement

Cancelling GRN

When we cancel a GRN it would be useful if a link comes up to cancel the relating PORD and REQ. Currently there are 3 actions for every transaction. Very long winded.
Tina Hardy about 2 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Will not implement

amend the purchase order nominal

Once an order is approved it cant be amended. If an order is raised against the wrong nominal code this creates a commitment against the wrong nominal code and wrong budget line. This cant be corrected while the invoice has been received. Can cert...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 5 Under Investigation


When we raise a REQ we can add an attachment but when we convert that REQ into a PORD the attachment is not carried forward onto the PORD. We use this for quotes etc. What we would like is for this document to appear at every stage up until INV. A...
Sarah Egginton over 1 year ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 2 Under Investigation

Broadcast Message shown on Log On

It would be useful to be able to send a message to all users when they log on to the system, for example "Order Deadline is XXXX do not enter any orders after this date" Messages could be added/removed or edited as and when required.
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Updating multiple accounts

It would be great if you could update one account then copy new information to other accounts
Julie Borg 3 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 2 Awaiting Further Feedback

Identify Service on Order so that no GRN is required

When orders are created it would be useful to have a service option, which would indicate that a GRN is not required. For example professional services, exam fees, recurring invoices for leases etc. This would reduce the time taken to process invo...
Guest about 2 years ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 5 Planned

User licenses report

Is it possible to get a report of users by useage of the portal, I am constantly short of Licenses, and need to see user useage. To make sure the more active users keep their license, and also to see if I still need so many licenses
Jamie Vincent over 1 year ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Planned

Amend Title of Goods Received Note to Goods/Services Received

Orders are raised for Services as well as Goods and to help the schools understanding the GRN process it would be helpful to amend the Title of the GRN Document to be Goods/Services Received.
Sascha Ellman-Brown over 1 year ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Planned