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IRIS PS Purchasing

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Broadcast Message shown on Log On

It would be useful to be able to send a message to all users when they log on to the system, for example "Order Deadline is XXXX do not enter any orders after this date" Messages could be added/removed or edited as and when required.
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Staff Expenses

Allow the posting of staff expenses to the register in the same way we do for non order invoices. We can then see an audit trail of the authoriser and ensure it's authorised by the correct person.
Claire Shadbolt about 2 years ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Workflow approval for multiple cost centres

The workflow for invoice approval only allows for one cost centre. It would great if it could send elements of the invoice to different approvers if the cost being split across multiple cost centres
Caroline Hatcher over 1 year ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Awaiting Prioritization

Save timed out requisitions as drafts

It would be really useful if timed out requisitions/orders could be saved as drafts. In a busy school office, there are often interruptions part way through processing a requisition and by the time the staff get back to it, it has timed out meanin...
Vicky Redburn 10 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Personalise Search Results

Having sight of the description lines in a drop down in the search results would save so much time when looking through POs, especially when there are several from the same supplier and you want to find some info quickly.
Philippa Dykes 10 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 0 Awaiting Prioritization