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Categories Gradebooks
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 5, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit MIS-I-757 Lock data entry of a specific group of coumns.

Lock Entry for a specific group of people Merged

It would be great if we could choose a specific group to lock the gradebooks to. For example: lock for Teaching Staff and not Admins or Heads of School. When we lock the gradebook data, it locks for everyone and that is not practical at all.

  • Admin
    Shawn Carr
    Feb 13, 2025


    I can see how this would be a valuable feature. However, to ensure I fully understand your specific requirements, could you provide an example of your use case and the outcomes you expect this feature to deliver? i.e What problems is this solving for you?



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