Passport data is available but visa data isn't. This is anomalous. REST API is an additional cost. (Because it is designed for third parties?) Batch API can be used in school to extract data internally.
Thank you Lucy - This is our feelings exactly. We had a demo of Reach Boarding yesterday, to take a look at their Leave Manager, which is especially vital for keeping the infomormation needed on the whereabouts of CSV students. They integrate with iSAMS, but because of the CSV data is not availlable from iSAMS via the API, this will need to be handled manually, creating duplication of work. It does appear to be a strange miss, and should be easily solved.
Agreed. I also agree that iSAMS should provide more way to update data, for example, CSV file, associated with txtSchoolID.
Thank you Lucy - This is our feelings exactly. We had a demo of Reach Boarding yesterday, to take a look at their Leave Manager, which is especially vital for keeping the infomormation needed on the whereabouts of CSV students. They integrate with iSAMS, but because of the CSV data is not availlable from iSAMS via the API, this will need to be handled manually, creating duplication of work. It does appear to be a strange miss, and should be easily solved.
visa is more important than passport data. School is in the position to keep all pupils with a valid visa if needed, but not passport.