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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2023

Grant users the ability to add their own 'Special Arrangements' to the Internal (and External) Exams module

I know that the new in-built SEN register (as part of Student Registers) does integrate with the Internal and External Exams Manager modules, which is certainly a step in the right direction. However, it still does not provide the full functionality needed.

We, and I'm sure many other schools, really need to be able to log our own custom special arrangements. Currently we are confined to the ones provided to us by the in-built options.

It would be incredibly useful if you would enable users to add our own 'Special Arrangements' to the Internal and External Exams. See screenshots.

Thank you

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  • Admin
    Steven Israel
    Jan 23, 2024

    We are currently rewriting our Access Arrangements functionality, this will be released once the summer exam series is complete.

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