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Status Awaiting Prioritization
Product IRIS Parentmail
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 13, 2023

Warning for Cancelling Parents evening booking for parents

Raised on behalf of St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy: Parents can very easily cancel their bookings without realising (like double tapping or accidentally hitting cancel when they go back in to check the time they selected) but nothing comes up in the app to prompt them that they are about to cancel and they don't get a notification if they do cancel it by mistake, so would only be aware if they go back into the app to check and see that there is no booking there. Can a warning/confirmation message be setup so that if parent accidentally presses on Cancel for their booking, they would have to select Yes to "Are you sure you want to cancel your appointment" or something along these lines?

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    Tim Cropper-Williams
    Oct 19, 2023

    Thanks for the idea, we'll look into replicating this issue and see how we might be ale to help.