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Status Planned
Product IRIS Reach
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 3, 2023

Schedule emails

Can we have an option to schedule emails? Our booking system for meals has a deadline of midnight on Saturday and I would love to be able to send a reminder weekly at 4pm on a Saturday to get people to remember, as an example. Other reminders would also be useful. I believe we can do this for text/app messages but not emails?

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    Tim Cropper-Williams
    Mar 9, 2023

    Thanks for the idea, you are correct it is possible with sms and in-app messages but not emails. We are currently undertaking a larger piece of work to improve the message sending journeys for sms,in-app and email. The scheduling of emails will be part of this. We expect to have this available later this calendar year.

    Out of interest which meal booking system are you using?

    3 replies

Scheduled texts and emails

It would be very useful to be able to schedule emails and texts. For example I need to remind parents to bring something in on the monday after half term. It is not possible to write an email or text now and schedule it be sent on the sunday befor...
Guest 5 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Communications 0 Planned