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Product IRIS Reach
Created by Denise Bickley
Created on Nov 13, 2023

Add a Yeargroup columm to reports

All our classes except Reception are mixed year groups. Often we need to have year groups shown with the information so it would be really useful to have it as an extra column on all reports please. So children's name, class, year group, as standard. Thank you

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  • Denise Bickley
    Mar 21, 2024

    Can I find out if this is something that can be actioned please?

    Also, any chance that there might be a possibility that forms might pick up preferred name rather than registered name? But that is not as important as Year Grou because we have mixed year group classes and it would really be meaningful. Thanks

  • Admin
    Tim Cropper-Williams
    Nov 23, 2023

    We have reached out directly to you to get more information about this. Hopefully speak soon.

    1 reply
  • Denise Bickley
    Nov 13, 2023

    Thinking about this further, it would also be useful to have other columns as options - for example gender, house group, FSM etc... probably asking too much but the information is all there in SIMS so it might be possible?