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Status Awaiting Prioritization
Product IRIS Reach
Created by Denise Bickley
Created on Dec 11, 2023

Email form response to parents

When parents complete a form, could they get an email of what they have chosen, or be able to go back to the link to view their submission?? We have a whole KS2 event today and are dealing with many phone calls of people who can't remember what they decided. It would be very useful if they had it to refer to.

UPDATE 1 year on and we have the same event, with the same problems.

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  • Denise Bickley
    Dec 12, 2024

    One year on and this is still a massive issue for us. Please could I ask that it is revisited.

    Also, the ability to change an answer on a form (either for a parent to do so, or at least a senior administrator) would be extremely helpful. At the moment I have to keep a file of emails/messages re changes to the form, and update the Excel spreadsheet at the end which seems a bit mad.