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Status In Discovery
Product IRIS Reach
Created by Guest
Created on May 10, 2023

Bilingual Apps

Almost 25% of my families do not have English as their first language. Therefore trying to ask them to use the app is very difficult. They just refuse as it is too hard. Other parent communication app have the option to choose another language.

Please can the app ( for REach and +Pay etc.) be available in different languages. Ideally I need Lithuanian. Thank you

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    Tim Cropper-Williams
    May 18, 2023

    We're still looking into this our end, would you be available for a call to discuss language/translation in more detail?

    Also, do you know form the student overview page you can set the language of a student to Lithuanian, that will translate sms and in-app messages when you send them to those parents?

    2 replies
  • Admin
    Tim Cropper-Williams
    May 11, 2023

    Thanks for the suggestion, we'll have a look into the feasability of this and get back to you.