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Status Planned
Product IRIS Reach
Created by Guest
Created on May 12, 2023

Editing completed online forms

Two things:

1) I think this has been mentioned elsewhere before but I can't find it in this section. It would be REALLY useful to have the ability to edit completed forms, for example parents who change their mind/want to add something else to their child's form. Currently we have to remember to amend/add that extra info whenever we download the final spreadsheet of results.

2) Having sent forms to a number of people going on a trip and then a child pulls out, it would be REALLY helpful to have the facility to delete the form from their record (as you can do with digital docs). This would stop us chasing someone to complete a form for a trip they have no intention of going on. Currently we have to do a manual entry and add info that they're no longer coming, but again this creates unwanted info in our final spreadsheet.

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  • Admin
    Tim Cropper-Williams
    May 18, 2023

    Thanks for the feedback Jo, the forms module is planned to have a re-write. When we start planning this we'll be getting in touch in the user group to set up some calls to gather more feedback and learn more about how you use forms.