Create one form to use across multiple sites instead of creating one for each site.
When creating a form that will be used across more than one school, Prince Regent Street Trust would find it really useful to be able to share that form with other sites instead of having to create multiple forms for each school.
It would be very useful to have the option to refund unused dinner money or any other register payments online instead of having to issue cheques, cash or Bacs.
So we have many parents (one has asked the question) - she has 3 children, all of which use meals ASC and BSC. She just wanted to know how much TOTAL she owes. I have had to go into 9 different areas!
All parties would benefit. It would dramatically reduce office workload
We're currently having to manually compile the CSV file to set up parent evenings. The Staff Export report is useful for getting the Staff names and ID numbers in the right order for the import template. However it's missing the staff email addres...
As a school we use forms all the time, however we cannot schedule them and parents complain that they missed out on opportunities because it was during their work hours (which is also our work hours) - scheduling forms would help this issue!!
We are getting more and more SAR requests these days. Families are asking for a full breakdown in CSV format which shows all the payments/transactions made via ParentMail.
Please can we have a warning when our session is about to timeout, providing the ability to be able to stay logged in (like Biostore). It's frustrating for schools to be actively using the system, for it to suddenly time out.
Prince Regent Street Trust would like to be able to filter parents by reg group or year group. For example, if inviting particular years groups to an event when a response is required.
Please can the booking window for Parents Evenings be amended at any time? I currently have parents evenings open but parents swapping appointments between themselves. If the school have the ability to close the booking window, it allows staff to ...
I requested this nearly a year ago but please can we get a link between payments and forms? eg selling tickets to a PTA disco automatically sends them to the form for dietary and contact info for that event. The admin and time spent contacting par...