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Wellbeing Manager

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Filter by Category on Wellbeing Manage Records page

I had made a massive error recently and accidentally bulk assigned visibility of a range of safeguarding records to the incorrect user group. Thankfully the user group assigned was a very small group that work closely with the safeguarding team an...
Guest 16 minutes ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Wellbeing Email Templates - Make them editable.

There is currently no way an end user can edit the default Wellbeing emails. Ideally, the template should be available with the rest in Control Panel Home -> Applications & Services -> E-Mail Manager -> Manage E-Mail Templates At th...
Guest 5 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Awaiting Review

View Actions in Wellbeing Manager: Student Overview - Student Timeline

It would be helpful if actions taken for student concerns are visible on the Wellbeing Manager: Student Overview - Student Timeline. This would allow teachers to efficiently track and review individual concerns and actions, without the need to nav...
Guest 6 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Awaiting Review

drop down for nature box

It would be really helpful if the NATURE box under the category of SAFEGUARDING in 'create a concern' in wellbeing manager had a drop down menu - so that staff cannot input whatever they like...and therefore my reports to analyse the nature of con...
Guest 11 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Workflows to run more frequently than once a day

Let's say you've got detentions at the end of the day. Having the workflow run during the day would facilitate attendance on the same day as opposed to the following one. Some indicators ideally need same day action and currently these aren't appa...
Guest 11 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Option to Bulk update the status of Wellbeing concerns

Option to Bulk update the status of Wellbeing concerns.
Guest 18 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Icon if concern has Attachment on Wellbeing Manager

No icon indicating there is an attachment with concern entered on Wellbeing Manager ; no quick icon either after clicking the pupil's name. Knowing that an incident recorded has an attachment along with it should be more intuitive rather than user...
Guest 26 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Create a Concern Wizard to include Add Action

Create a concern wizard currently allows teachers/staff to create a concern about an individual but stops short of allowing the person creating the concern to add actions for follow-up. Actions are only accessible by entering the full Wellbeing Ma...
Guest 6 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 1 Good Feature

Automatic default entry of user staff name in Wizards

The following areas require the user to tell the system who they are each time they make a submission. While on the odd occasion they might be submitting something for someone else, so the ability to change the selection should remain, the lack of...

Connect Medical Centre Visits to Wellbeing Manager

It would be very helpful for us if indicators could be created for medical centre visits. This way, the head of sections wouldn't have to check the medical centre area separately but would be informed via the wellbeing manager indicator if a stude...
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Good Feature