Allow the creation of SMS Templates, similar to email templates, with field variables etc, that can be used when creating texts using the SMS Wizard.As there is a "Manage SMS Templates" in the SMS Gateway module > Message Configuration section ...
Within HR Manager/Management Options/Pay Scales, could there be a function to record the pay scales annually so historical data can be kept. At the moment you have to overwrite the previous pay scales.
We currently have a paper-based leave request system. We are trying to move to an electronic system but this would still then require data transposition into iSAMS. It would be useful if the student could automatically create a leave request e.g. ...
When sending an email using the email wizard, if you select school from the school fields it is actually the previous/former school that merges into the email. Can the name of this please be changed to reflect the data that it actually refers to.
On the Export Wizard option in HR Manager, add additional fields that can be exported into CSV/Excel format. For example the Course information area in Development & Appraisal. We can get some of the information out on Export Staff records but...
Addition of Subjects to Student list in Email Templates
Please could you add Teaching 'Subjects' to the options of merge fields in an Email template. You already have Year groups, tutors, registration but not Subjects or sets, this would be particularly useful. Thanks