If you have have relatively large gradebooks with formula its's difficult to see which columns are used as the ID is shown and not the column name. Would be much easier to see what a formula does if the name is displayed.
Characteristic Elements are very limited. We would like to see SchoolID, Nationality and Religion as well as Pupil sets added to the Characteristic Elements. These should be there as standard Elements The ability to then filter the gradebooks by t...
Ability to enter a weekly absence for a number of weeks
I need the ability to enter a member of staff absent for the same period for a number of weeks rahter than having to enter the absence infividually. Ie Monday p3 for 6 weeks.
Indicator to show when a seating plan is complete/incomplete on the exam list seating wizard exam list
When you select create seating plan the main exam list in the wizard does not indicate whether an exam has been seated or not. They are still listed whether a seating plan has been created or not and you have to keep going opening up an exam to se...
Weighting staff depending on number of days worked
I have some part time staff that I want to appear lower down the staff cover options list. Is it possible to add a rating weighting that links to the hours worked per week in HR manager.
Seating Plans - Space or "Holding Bay" to Move Candidates When Manually Adjusting Seating
When you have a full room but need to manually adjust seating, for those with access arrangements etc, it would be useful to have space outside the plan to temporarily move students. Otherwise the full room leaves very little room for maneuver.
Please can you submit a product feature request that could be implemented by June 2025 (next year) that allows an “inclusion” of individual pupil’s names that overrides all other exclusion rules in a report that have been set? Why? Because this is...
It would be helpful to allow groupings in custom reports for any of the modules that offer reports. If one could group reports i.e. have 'heading' that a few reports could sit under and another 'heading' that another few reports could sit under wo...
Adding a filter option in Gradebook mark log will be helpful as we can see who changes grades and this will be helpful specially we are a big school and constant changes in gradebook will help us track all the records.