We have just migrated from SIMS to iSAMS and would be great to be able to upload documents in the doucment and files section or even in the reports section. At the moment it can only be done by each student individually.
Allow students to export their own .ics timetable file via the Student Portal
Allowing students to download their own timetable files from the student portal would allow them to become more independent, currently we have to do this through Timetable manager and distribute them individually - which is a very admin heavy task.
SSO with Microsoft Azure B2C for Parent accounts in iSAMS
We found that Microsoft's Azure B2C could be an excellent Single Sign On-Solution for our parents to login to the different platforms. The process to create an account in B2C is straight forward, and self explaining. It allows the parents to use t...
Currently students can view their exam results through their portal accounts but cannot download them. The ability to download either their full statement of results or a PDF version of the results screen would be incredibly beneficial.
Admissions Cloud Portal - Ability to add Documents for Parents to view or download
We would like to be able to run the whole admissions process (from a parent's point of view) through the cloud portal. Once a place is accepted we provide a lot of documentation to parents and the ability to upload those to the portal (as you do i...
Fees bills to be viewed on the Parent Portal Mobile App
Parents typically use the Portal when using their mobile phone. Uploading bills to the parent portal is completely ineffective if not viewable on a mobile phone.