Change the title of "Teacher Timetables" to "Staff Timetables"
Small change in terminology as it often confuses staff, please could you update the title of "Teacher Timetables" to "Staff Timetables". The reason being is that all staff timetables are shown regardless if they are teachers or not. Non-teaching s...
Add a Preferred Gender Field and change the current Gender field to Gender At Birth
To get around the issue of Non-Binary pupils and use of gender neutral pronouns, our suggestion would be for iSAMS to create a new field in the Student Manager module called ‘Preferred Gender’ which can have 3 or more options. Then rename the exis...
Admission Year Drop down should be in descending order
in the Manage Applicants custom search page, the Admissions Year is shown in ascending order. At the moment the top value is 1979. Most of the time we will be working with the current year or applicants in the next academic year. This drop-down wi...
Future absences - enable students to be absent for part of a lesson
Currently no mark is visible in the register if a student is marked out part way through a lesson (e.g for a peri music lesson or leaving early for a sports fixture). The mark should go in the box for the whole period to alert the staff member tak...
I would like to propose the inclusion of the Gradebook module in the iSAMS mobile application, similar to how it is available on the web interface. Many parents have expressed their concerns about the lack of access to this important feature in th...
When exporting a gradebook into excel it would be beneficial if the formatting transferred as well. All our Gradebooks have standard styling indicating progress etc. However, when we export to excel it becomes a blank spreadsheet with no formattin...
When Late is clicked it shows the time the button was clicked
Currently when the Late button is clicked is shows the time the lesson started and not the current. It would be useful if it could show the time the late button was clicked.
Reward & Conduct - teachers can see whole school reports - should be year group or division only
Currently teachers can see whole school reports but this should be capped at year group or possibly division. Primary teachers don´t need to see secondary conduct reports for example. We have issues where teacher parents are seeing their own child...
When managing timetables via Configuration >> Manage Timetables, you see a list of all timetables listed on the system. These are listed in order by academic year, with the oldest timetables at the top. After a while this list becomes quite ...
We have several divisions set up, as different year groups have timetables with different lesson lengths etc. For example, we have divisions for years 3&4, 5&6 and 7&8 - a teacher who teaches in all of these divisions gets three separa...