We have 3 VAT control accounts; 1 purchase ledger, 1 sales ledger, 1 for adjustments. It would be helpful to be able to be able to match the HMRC payments on VAT to the these control accounts such that the balances don't keep growing.
Cover - collapse year, free up rooms but not free up teachers
Cover Module - we understand that you can select and "manage timetable suspensions" to collapse a year and free up teachers and rooms. However we would like to be able to collapse a year, free up the rooms - but not free up the teachers. This is n...
Following on from what I said at yesterday's Southern User Group: As courses are looking like a main driver within Curriculum Manager, please link the course type to a Global List where we could map courses against the DfE requirements for the SLA...
Add SMS Wizard to Admissions Manager and to Applicant tab in Student Manager
It would be very useful if SMS Wizard was available in Admissions Manager and on the Applicants tab of Student Manager. The workaround of ticking 'include applicants' when on the Current Students tab is very longwinded and more open to potential e...
SO tedious to add one set and then another one using the painful dropdown menu. You need to at least be able to multiple select the sets from the huge dropdown (which also needs to be able to be filtered by year group).
It's very frustrating that we can't correct postings once they are processed. For example if a purchase invoice is incorrectly posted to a BI code it's not possible to change it. It's also not possible to delete it either - only reverse it. These ...
To be able to add a new student to multiple teaching sets at the same time
If a new student arrives, we have to open the teaching sets and click on "add students" one by one. It would be easier if I could go to the student's profile somewhere and add a list of the sets she/he would join as we do it when importing sets at...
To be able to change the defaults to our personal preferences would be great. To be able to pull Allergy and food preferences on a set report would speed things up for trips and visits
When adding a staff meeting or tutorial in Timetable Manager, this has to be done one period at a time, which is very inefficient. You should be able to select multiple periods at once across all weeks of the timetable cycle for any common meeting...