Ability to change displayed Custom Fields and the order presented
I'd like to move around the order of my BASIN custom fields - I'm told this can't be done. I'd also like to change which 'sections' are presented under the School tab, e.g. we don't use the 'Future School Details' section but it can't be deleted a...
Add Student Portal accounts by year (currently its all or nothing)
Currently you can only single click individual pupils to add to pupil portal or select them all. iSAMS should add normal filters (e.g. Year Group) on the "Create Pupil Users (from Pupil records)" within Control Panel. This would allow schools more...
Use Academic year in full consistently throughout the system
I'm just posting this as another idea, as the previous one (https://uservoice.isams.com/forums/38490-isams-framework/suggestions/4243000-the-academic-year-was-shown-if-full-throughout-isa) can't be voted any longer and the last update from iSAMS w...
We would like to be able to print the pupil photos in bulk for multiple years, ie KS4 but to be arranged via Year group, then form and then alphabetically. At the moment it is just produced alphabetically with no options.Thanks
If a family is added to an open day but then cancels or doesn’t attend, we use the ‘Attd’ flag and mark them as ‘No’, however you will see that they have Visits (1) appearing against the Visits tab. This is misleading – when you are working in the...
set the default seating order in a configuration tab
Could we set the default seating order in a configuration tab? We seat in candidate no. order and I have to remember to set this every time I build a seating plan.
Ability to choose which Exam timetables are viewable on the Parent Portal
At the moment we want the current (January) session of exams to be viewable on the Parent Portal but not any future sessions since they are not complete yet. Please could we have the ability to individually select which sessions are viewable rathe...
Better control for School Year on Entry (and Year on Entry)
This appears in some form or another a few times already, but I'd like to suggest not just the removal of specific, old dates, but a better system for determining options available. Either a manual system (so, in Applicants -> Config -> Port...
When using the pink-list Group Edit feature, the pupils selected from the search result are forgotten when saving the edit. We often have to make several Group Edits to the same list of pupils and it's annoying to have to re-select the pupils from...