Hello, A lot of our parents have asked if their Parent Portal account is disabled, to have a feature to allow them to re-activate their account so it doesn't become a burden on the schools IS leads.
Create a concern wizard currently allows teachers/staff to create a concern about an individual but stops short of allowing the person creating the concern to add actions for follow-up. Actions are only accessible by entering the full Wellbeing Ma...
Cloud Portal Dashboard - Ability to rearrange features
It would be useful to be able to re-order the features of the Dashboard. There are times throughout the year where we'd like to make key messages to parents more prominent and therefore move text sections to the top of the page to catch their atte...
Would like the option of searching by Form Tutor rather than pastoral, and I'd prefer to see the Form Tutor rather than pastoral tutor on the School tab.
Alert Configuration Based on Date e.g. Visa Expiry Date
1) Auto push report to admissions staff for student/parent visa expiry and other logics and2) Configure and send reminder emails to parents as early notification for visa renewal Able to configure the above based on a pre-set schedule e.g. schedul...
Integrate multiple teachers and locations for a teaching set to reflect once in timetable
Allowing multiple teachers and locations for a teaching set to reflect once in timetable. Also, timetable is not showing on associated teacher's schedule. It would be good for the associated teachers to have the teaching period being shown and ref...
Extended Business Analysis report - Request for Prior Year Comparatives
The Extended Business Analysis reports only have the option to compare to budget. For effective management reporting, comparatives to both budget and prior year are required. Can we please include the option for prior year comparatives. (Please no...
Hello, Schools have a legal requirement to notify parents once a students attendance falls below a certain percentage. This is not currently possible in Registration or Parent Portal notification features. Please could we allow the new Automated R...