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IRIS Financials

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Document Emailer located in Purchasing Suite

If the Document emailer was accessible to Purchase Order raisers they could then send their emails to their suppliers instead of creating a PDF then emailing it from their Outlook (as an example) accounts or asking Finance who have the Accounting ...
Angela Herbert 7 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Planned for a future major release

Single input screen for invoices which identifies POIN / PI to avoid duplicate work

Currently if an invoice is started to be processed as a PI, and a subsequent order number is spotted, it has to be cancelled and the data entry has to start again on the purchasing suite. It would be much more efficient if there was a single input...
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Planned for a future major release

Security Reports

The new security functionaility has now made the Security Report dashboard, somewhat redundant, as the access showing is the new security roles RXA.... which we advise not to assign to users. Other than manually checking the relevant nominal/accou...
Guest 3 months ago in IRIS Financials 1 Planned for a future major release

Increase the number of characters allowed for a account in the Title field - Needed for Suppliers

When creating new suppliers (accounts) our users are having to shorten or cut off the supplier names in some instances due to the limit being set at 40 characters. The box itself is large enough to hold more characters so it would be great if this...
Becky Graham over 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 1 Planned for a future major release

Error posting notification

We have a lot of locations and all the business managers and finance teams have access to all locations, this is leading to posting errors, because all nominals appear at posting, is it possible to create an error message if the nominal is not mat...
Jamie Vincent over 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 4 Planned for a future major release