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Future development

Showing 41

Ability to exclude trips from the Budget Check.

We would like the ability to exclude trips from the Budget Check so that we can switch on 'Enforce'. No budget is put against trips so 'Enforce' would then stop users from raising orders.
Becky Graham 15 days ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Awaiting Further Feedback

Payment Run - Ability to deselect all items.

Payment Run - Ability to deselect all items. Unable to deselect all items bought through to the select the ones you require. When wanting to pay just one item deselecting them all individually is long winded.
Becky Graham 3 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 3 Under Investigation

Duplicate Invoice Number checks POIN against PI

Duplicate invoice checker should check POINS against PI's and Vice Versa to avoid paying the same invoice twice.
Guest 5 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Under Investigation

Duplicate Invoice number across locations

Duplicate Invoice number across locations. Currently the warning only appears when the same number if used on the same location. If this could flag across locations that would save duplicate orders being rasied.
Becky Graham 3 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Under Investigation

View IRIS Financials on multiple screens

Customers, and I, would like to be able to view the IRIS Financials (EDU) over multiple screens ie main desktop on one screen and other drop down options on a 2nd monitor. Currently they all load on the screen that has the main landing page on it ...
Angela Herbert 4 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 7 Already exists

Be able to email chase letters

Be able to use an emailer to select multiple debtors to chase up outstanding payments. It could work by a list of debtors comes up and from that list a number of them can be selected to receive a chase letter at levels 1 and 2. Level 3 could be pr...
Angela Herbert about 2 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Duplicate

Ability to attach a file upon creating a document via Document Input.

Ability to attach a file upon creating a document via Document Input. Would save users going back into the document to attach the file. If this function could additionally work in the same way that Purchasing works where the attachment is copied/m...
Becky Graham 3 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Under Investigation

Document Emailer located in Purchasing Suite

If the Document emailer was accessible to Purchase Order raisers they could then send their emails to their suppliers instead of creating a PDF then emailing it from their Outlook (as an example) accounts or asking Finance who have the Accounting ...
Angela Herbert 7 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Planned for a future major release

Report that shows commitments, supplier and PO within accounting Suite

Customer (EMM01) mentioned that they were looking for a way to see current commitments in accounting enquiries, as per a previous option within V6. This no longer seems to be available to them in V7.
Angela Herbert 10 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Planned

Single input screen for invoices which identifies POIN / PI to avoid duplicate work

Currently if an invoice is started to be processed as a PI, and a subsequent order number is spotted, it has to be cancelled and the data entry has to start again on the purchasing suite. It would be much more efficient if there was a single input...
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Planned for a future major release