On the new update, where users do not have access to nominals/accounts, they can still 'see' them except they are 'greyed' out. This is sometimes hard to browse through nominals/accounts as they will have to scroll past the nominals/accounts, they...
7 days ago
in IRIS Financials
Awaiting Prioritization
Could there be a option to put an end date on the Users On Holiday tick box? Sometimes it can be forgotten to remove the tick once they're back. If the system could automatically do it on the end date entered, this could save some time.
7 days ago
in IRIS Financials
Awaiting Prioritization
We would like the ability to exclude trips from the Budget Check so that we can switch on 'Enforce'. No budget is put against trips so 'Enforce' would then stop users from raising orders.
Payment Run - Ability to deselect all items. Unable to deselect all items bought through to the select the ones you require. When wanting to pay just one item deselecting them all individually is long winded.
In V6 there were far more search options available. It had the ability to search the purchase ledger for a suppliers by title, account, postcode, town, address, county, country, contact, telephone, email address, bank sort code and bank account nu...
Alex Brace-Wyman
4 months ago
in IRIS Financials
Under Investigation
Duplicate Invoice number across locations. Currently the warning only appears when the same number if used on the same location. If this could flag across locations that would save duplicate orders being rasied.
Customers, and I, would like to be able to view the IRIS Financials (EDU) over multiple screens ie main desktop on one screen and other drop down options on a 2nd monitor. Currently they all load on the screen that has the main landing page on it ...
Be able to use an emailer to select multiple debtors to chase up outstanding payments. It could work by a list of debtors comes up and from that list a number of them can be selected to receive a chase letter at levels 1 and 2. Level 3 could be pr...