Fees bills to be viewed on the Parent Portal Mobile App
Parents typically use the Portal when using their mobile phone. Uploading bills to the parent portal is completely ineffective if not viewable on a mobile phone.
Allow parents to check and update their child's medical information via the portal
It will be great to allow schools to: a) publish pupil's basic medical information to the parent portal, e.g. known allergies/medical conditions and/or b) allow parents to update this information themselves via the portal or - having viewed it - t...
Add Parent Evening or Parent Teacher Conference Feature
Parent Evening Booking is useful tool for PTC management and having it integrated within ISAMs will be great advantage for schools and make ISAMs a better product compared to other MIS systems which are offering this as a package. Its a shame that...
Have Feature Parity between the parent portal and iParent app.
The iParent app and parent portal should have the same experience. For example. currently parents can't request absence via the iParent app, they have to sign in via the web browser. May people only have mobile phones these days and are used to us...
Make sure there is feature parity between the web portal and mobile apps for school directory (GDPR)
In "Parent Portal Manager > Features > School Directory Options" there is no feature parity between the "Web Portal" tab and the "Portal App" tab (i.e. the mobile app). This led us to experience a GDPR issue in disclosing more of our staff d...
Statistical reports to show which pages are visited by parents and when
We want to know which pages within our Parent Portal the parents are actually visiting.Can we please have the Parent Portal Statistics reports show which pages are visited by parents and when.Thank you.
We would like to see the Finance module activated on the iParent app.Since most of our parents will only use the iParent app and not the web portal, it is crucial to have the finance data (invoices, statements, ...) also available there. Until now...