Currently authorisers need to filter by type to get PORDs, POINs and xxPIs. This is not user friendly for those who do not have any idea about PSF document types. They should be able to click search and get all of their awaiting authorisations no ...
Be able to upload reversing journals (which reverse in the following month)
I post a lengthy month end journal each month which I reverse in the following month. I would like to do this as a csv file upload each month. When using the Journal Importer, as part of Step 3 'Define the mapping between target and data source' i...
It would be useful to be able to search in the user fields1,2 and 3, with out having to export as at the moment it has a grey block which does not allow you to enter any text and it does not have a drop down option either.
It would be useful to have no limit on the invoice number so that we do not have to post the POIN and then go into the document and edit once posted to extend the invoice number. This would save time.