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Showing 18

Provide a single Persistent Absence percentage

Currently, Central can only calculate persistent absence percentages based on children with between 90% and 50% attendance (excluding those with 50% or below). This is the difference between children who are persistently absent and Persistent Abse...
Guest 12 months ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 3 Released

Use of Divisions rather than Phases

In Central when viewing data from iSAMS could it be by Division rather than Phases or allow us to change the year ranges in Phases. We currently have 3 divisions with a view to moving to 4: Junior Prep School Yr3 to Yr6 Senior Prep School Yr7 to Y...
Nicholas Perry over 1 year ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 2 Released

Data Point for External exams

It would be great if results from external exams were available as a data point. Attainment could be calculated initially and then in theory if we could upload the latest national averages then we could calculate progress data.
Daryl Brandy over 1 year ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 0 Released

Dashboard to include previous year attendance data.

At the start of this term we need to report to trustees on end of year data for 22/23. This is no longer available on our dashboards as it has reset to the current academic year.
Emma Parkins over 1 year ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 1 Released

Base phase on DfE year group rather then NC Year group

Please see iSAMS Support ticket 688298. We have a number of divisions within our iSAMS, two of which are junior schools. School one has year groups 1 to 6 which have the "NC Year" 1 to 6. School two has year groups 1 to 6 which have the "NC Year" ...
Neil Williams 7 months ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 0 Released

Total Minutes Late measure

Please could we have a new Attendance measure that is the total of Minutes Late? Some of our schools would like me to include 'total per child' on our attendance dashboards.
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 0 Released

Cover Manager reporting

It would be very useful to see data from Cover Manager in Central. The type of data to include would be similar to what is available on the "Reports" tab within iSAMS. For example: Top absent teachers Top cover teachers Total number of absences / ...
Sean Corrigan almost 2 years ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 0 Released

Warning Button on View/Take Register (Select All Button)

Currently when you go into View/Take Register on the register, under the dates there is a tick box. If you tick this box and then click Take Registers, it overwrites everything that the admin/parent have selected. This is causing a lot of issues f...
Reema Sabeen-Saunders almost 2 years ago in IRIS PlusPay 2 Released

Sync data to Global Lists

It would be very useful to be able to update Global List options from Central and sync across to individual iSAMS instances. For example, I would add a reason on the PupilLeavingReasons which could then sync to all iSAMS instances. Equally, the ab...
Sean Corrigan almost 2 years ago in IRIS Central / App 0 Released

Please can we report by SEN Register Flag (Levels 1-4)

We need to see howe many pupils sit at each Level on the SEN Register in each school. This is for funding and staffing reasons.
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 3 Released