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Status Released
Product IRIS PlusPay
Created by Reema Sabeen-Saunders
Created on Jun 23, 2023

Warning Button on View/Take Register (Select All Button)

Currently when you go into View/Take Register on the register, under the dates there is a tick box. If you tick this box and then click Take Registers, it overwrites everything that the admin/parent have selected. This is causing a lot of issues for schools - they know its an admin error, someone accidentally ticks the select all box, but there is no warning of what will happen, if they don't untick it before saving.

The request i am asking for, is either a warning button to appear, when that tick box is selected (i.e ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS, ALL RECORDS WILL BE OVERWRITTEN) or if this is not possible, then could ticking that box be a "specific permission only" thing?

School has said that they have had to spend hours fixing the data, after that tick box was selected.

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  • Admin
    Tim Cropper-Williams
    Jul 20, 2023

    This issue was updated and released on the 17th of May :)

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