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Give users the Designer option without making them Admin?

I would like to give some users the ability to create their own reports in Designer but not also to have the rights of an administrator, so not able to edit/delete someone else's report or change any other system settings. Or add/delete users etc.
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Central / App 2 In Discovery

Add SEN Need Types / Requirements

Please could we have the SEN need types added to Central as well as the overall level/provision? Our SENCOs really need to report on this additional level of detail. I'm referring to the Requirements table in the Requirements section of each pupil...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 0 In Discovery

Free School Meals & Ever 6

We really need a way of easily reporting on not just children who are currently On the Free School Meals (FSM) register, but also children who are Off Register (previously eligible) as these are counted as 'Ever 6' children which is a very common ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 2 In Discovery

Forms - pls add some more dynamic text fields

We use Forms for a yearly Data Collection exercise. It would be useful if we could use dynamic text fields to pre-populate a form with parents' address details and phone numbers (pulled from SIMS). That way we can simply ask parents to confirm the...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Reach 2 In Discovery

NCYearCode to pull through to Central

The NCYearCode from the pupil profile needs to pull through.
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 0 In Discovery

Keep Homepage Preference

When you unpublish a report to make a change it removes it from all users homepage if it has been set as as their Homepage Preference. This means you have to impersonate every user who has this as their homepage preference and reset the homepage p...
Amy Grainger 12 months ago in IRIS Central / App 0 In Discovery

Door Access-integration

Following query from sales, requesting integration with Salto door system- Our current offering isn't reliable . and requires extensive review. Is there an easier way we can have more integrations with more access providers.
Bev Thompson over 1 year ago in IRIS Biostore / BioStore Access Control 0 In Discovery

Bilingual Apps

Almost 25% of my families do not have English as their first language. Therefore trying to ask them to use the app is very difficult. They just refuse as it is too hard. Other parent communication app have the option to choose another language. Pl...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Reach 4 In Discovery

Offer Different Time Slots for Parents Evening

I've just trained a school who require 7 minute parents evenings, rather than the 5. 10, 15 minute increments that are currently offered. Could the system be altered to offer minute increments up to 10 minutes? School - Limpsfield Grange School RH...
Sharmaigne Watson over 1 year ago in IRIS Parentmail 1 In Discovery

Add number of families

Could you please add the number of families in the school on the current students page? I think it is intFamily in the database, so a simple count on that would be great. Thanks
Sean Corrigan over 1 year ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 1 In Discovery