We have entrance exam results for each pupil in spreadsheets for each yeargroup, which we are considering adding to the Entrance Exams section on the pupil records. We can either enter all the results manually (which would take some time...), or s...
Can there be a lookup function for adding existing contacts to a student record, rather than having to add contacts afresh each time? What I mean is a tool whereby, if you need to add a contact, you can first look in a list of existing contacts ac...
Photo / image stored against each student contact (optional)
We should be able to upload a photo against each contact in the same way that we can against staff and students. These should be available via the API and other reports.
Single Search box for searching for pupils / contacts / staff all in one place...
Sometimes we have to look up a name of someone when we don't actually know if they are a student, a member of staff, or a contact. Some school MIS package have a single search field where you can type in any name, hit search, and then it will give...
It would be really useful if there was a tick option to show school name (and Logo maybe) on badges for pupils when they are on a trip, could this be achievable perhaps?
Please could you develop the ability to customise the items shown on the Pupil Quick View Details (Wizard Bar > Pupil Manager > Quick View Details)? Specifically, we would like to be able to show whether a pupil has any siblings currently at...
Ability to Edit Parent Notification Email Template
For schools who use the 'send parent notification' function within the period view in the registration module it would be useful to be able to edit the template content. At present, the email is quite generic and we'd like to be able to include a ...
It will be useful to be able to print a day register with an option of AM or PM for which we dont have at the moment. We can only print week view and also with no option of AM/PM. Please can you look into this and make it accessible to this very u...
Please could we have the facility of importing the summary attendance data from CTFs into EdGen? I'm referring to the session summary figures contained in the following tags within the CTF. There will usually be one set of these for each year of p...