warning/notification when copy and pasting an email with mail merge buttons
School sent out emails using mail merge buttons, then copy and pasted the original email as they were sending out multiples of the same email, but when these were delivered the names to not show due to the copy and pasting. School asked if there i...
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Will not implement
Add School Name and other details to statements for club bookings
Raised by Jessica Kramer at Fosse Way Academy. Would like the statements parents can access for breakfast and after school club bookings to contain the school name, logo and Ofsted number, or the option to personalise the statements. Parents claim...
Viv Farnsworth
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Parentmail
In Discovery
Admin would like to send an email to primary contacts (P1 in SIMS) but also to selected non primary contacts (P2 for example) Currently you can either send to primary, or send to all. We could add an option to add an extra field (like the Addition...
Reema Sabeen-Saunders
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Will not implement
Sue O'Brien at Southwick, admin@southwick.wilts.sch.uk would like to be able to delete things in documents to print, in Bulk, she said that she had previously been informed this would be added in, it is a current enhancement request.
Viv Farnsworth
almost 2 years ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Will not implement
Staff members to be able to email their reg group only
Could it be made possible that staff members on ParentMail, who are teachers, and have permission to send emails, could only send emails to their registration group, and not school wide?
Sharmaigne Watson
about 2 years ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Will not implement
Email from customer - We have parents complaining that when they receive emails it doesn't specify who it's for especially those with siblings. I am a parent myself with one child so I have made a test account as a sibling to find out myself. I ha...
Jane Barrett
about 2 years ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Already exists