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IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS

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Ability to use text formatting options when adding info to student registers

Being able to use bullet points, bold, italics etc will greatly enhance the clarity of the information displayed. This will make it easier for teachers to access key information in an profile for example. Also, allow paragraphs and line spacing as...
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Registers 0 Awaiting Review

Read only access for REST API to Control Panel

There is currently only the access options of Read or Full for REST APIs as it pertains to Control Panel. Other modules also have Read, Write and Modify options. We have some applications requesting data via Wonde for the Global Lists within Contr...
Steve Boothroyd 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / REST API 0 Awaiting Review

Set the “Leaving Date” field on Former page

If I can set the “Leaving Date” field to display on the former page, the user can view it and order it by “Leaving Date” instead of downloading the data to view it every time.
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 0 Good Feature

Import due date info from iSAMS fee billing module (or allow various credit terms for a given client)

It would allow schools and your other clients to follow up which clients are actually late to pay their bills. For now, those reports are a mix of invoices that are past due and some that are not due yet because iFinance assumes all bills issued t...
Guest 8 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / iFinance 1 Next

Notifications Recipients

Please could head of subject / head of department be added to the notifications emails of rewards - where subject has been set as a mandatory field.
Guest almost 12 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reward & Conduct Manager 3 Good Feature

Assign a Line Manager to Staff Member?

Can we have the function to assign a line manager to the staff member in the system please? For all support and teaching staff. At the moment you have to create a custom global list entry, add all the people to it and then create a custom field li...
Amy Grainger almost 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / HR Manager 0 In Discovery

Subject Reports Awaiting Completion to include the set name as well as the teacher

I print off the Subject Reports Awaiting Completion sheet to scribble on as I figure out anomalies and check every teacher has completed all reports required - but I'm often reminding myself by looking elsewhere which subject the teacher teaches a...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reports Manager 0 In Discovery

Add 'Visitor' person type

Our medical centre staff have asked for a 'visitor' person type. On occasion the medical centre deal with visitors (e.g. children from visiting sports teams or visiting adults) and they wish to be able to record this in iSAMS, including maintainin...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Medical Centre 1 Good Feature

Add Parent Contact Number as a Search field in Student Manager

Add Parent Contact Number as a Search field in Student Manager It would be helpful to have a contact number search criteria in Student Manager. Sometimes numbers are left at reception for call backs and the name cannot be deciphered. To be able to...
Clare Grové 11 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 0 Good Feature

Staff assigned to a detention supervision notified via dashboard and/or timetable

Currently the only way for a member of staff to be reminded that they are on detention supervision is to go into discipline manager and view all their detentions. It would be nice if this was displayed on their dashboard as a visual reminder. And/...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Discipline Manager 0 Good Feature