Suspended Lesson Indicator Displayed in Timetables
It would be very helpful if suspended lessons e.g. we suspend a whole subject in Yr 13 for the Summer Term, could have some sort of indicator/flag/text displayed when viewing teacher/pupil/set etc timetables to allow users to see that particular l...
Some of our junior school teachers send emails to parents at the end of the week to say a pupil has done a really good piece of work. Sometimes they forget to note who they've sent it to and want to check before they keep sending the same thing to...
Within iSams we can customise email templates as needed but we have no similar functionality within the various portals. eg. being able to edit the email sent to parents when a detention is authorised.
Period/staff/room information displayed when hovering over a period in any attendance view.
I've been looking at the workflows for the pastoral team regarding students not being registered or being registered incorrectly. Currently, the only way to see who has registered the students is via the student profile or period view. What would ...
I'm continually asked to provide a statistics on how many parents read the reports generated through the Portal Publishing section of the Report Printing module, honestly it would even be useful to tell which parents have download reports but we c...
For the purposes of rollover, it would be very useful and save a lot of time to be able to select a rollover action for multiple sets over multiple subjects at the same time, instead of having to select a rollover action for each set independently.
Have a Way of Viewing Component Results within iSAMS
It is possible to pull out component results using an SSRS report. However, there are no screens directly within the Exams Manager module to view these results. Almost all exam boards are now releasing component results and staff need an easy way ...
In this day and age, it would be far more appropriate for the House Master title to be changed to House Parent. I am sure we are not the only school to have female house parents.
It would be really useful if a search filter was added to the Wellbeing module from Student registers. This would be useful when setting up indicator workflows in Wellbeing- to be able to filter down to pupils who are on a particular register.
On the invoice template, improvements can be made by showing Front page have Extras Total £775,33 to match fees total above. No VAT% on the Summary page header, next to Vat amount, shown on front page. Breakdown extras by Disbursement headings, so...