Add Student School ID Code to the View Teaching Set Lists of the drop-down menu for Excel export
All data used by admin teams refers to the unique School ID of the students. At the moment when we want to export sets we have to do this one by one via the students manager selecting one set each time. All teachers and all Heads of Department hav...
We are using AD for Authorisation, All staff users are not able to reset the password with Security Question. If possilbe to disable this function would be great
Medical Flags can be viewed in Registration Manager and when clicked, basic information can be viewed. However, Medical Care Plan documents cannot be viewed or downloaded from here. It would be helpful if these could be viewed in full from here, r...
It would be nice to have a "dynamic" visibility group which includes all current teachers / tutors / housemasters etc of a pupil. So as pupils move through the years, their current teachers can view these types of wellbeing concern. Alternatively,...
In our previous version 6 the Payments Tab within an account was HIDDEN from the majority of user groups. This meant that personal Bank information on staff expense ledgers was hidden from users. Following the upgrade to V7 the Payments tab is now...
Although we are a girls’ school, we have a number of pupils here who identify as male or gender neutral. As a result, we are increasingly being asked to use preferred gender pronouns rather than she, her and hers. At present there is a field for ‘...
Registration Manager flags based on Student Manager Fields
We are currently able to add flags to registration manager based on the details held within the student registers module. This is very useful for those taking registers to see at a glance who is SEN, PP, FSM etc. We would however, like to be able ...
Quick View Details accessed via the Wizard Bar/Student Manager - is useful when wanting to obtain Contact details and Attendance information in one handy search. We would like to see an Additional Tab within Quick View for Rewards and Conduct as t...
In configuration of Pastoral Flag colors, It would be beneficial to all user if the flag color that has been set up in Well Being module will also reflect in other modules such as Pupil Manager and Registration. As of the moment, the pastoral flag...
This applies to Week View, as well as Day View. The new bulk edit feature allows us to bulk edit registration codes. However, we still need to go into Period View if we want to enter comments, e.g. to say what the trip was. Entering comments is re...