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Education Ideas

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Ability to delete direct debit schedule, amend invoices and recreate schedule

Having created the direct debit schedule I then needed to delete a charge but couldn't yet I am able to make amendments for all other students that do not pay by direct debit. It would be helpful if the schedule could be deleted, changes made and ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Fee Billing 0 Later

Amend Title of Goods Received Note to Goods/Services Received

Orders are raised for Services as well as Goods and to help the schools understanding the GRN process it would be helpful to amend the Title of the GRN Document to be Goods/Services Received.
Sascha Ellman-Brown over 1 year ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Planned

Drag and drop attachment upload

I would love to be able to drag and drop files to attach them to emails for parents. This is much easier than having to save a file, then search for it and attach. I often have emails that arrive in my Outlook with attachments that I need to get o...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Reach 1 Will not implement

Registration data procedures should not require a registration group to have a teacher

Registration should be designed with the focus on ensuring that the pupils can be registered as easily as possible. However, as currently implemented, if you have a registration rule that includes a student group that does not have a teacher assoc...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Relationship to applicant values list should not contain all contact types

Our list of pupil contact types includes things like family friend, housekeeper and trust. These are not appropriate to have shown in the list of values for relationship to child when someone is completing a registration. Ideally we would have a d...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Admissions Portal 2 Later

Payment Items (Uniform etc) - Edit Pricing and Sizing

Our suppliers are regularly changing the sizing of items and the price. Please could we be able to edit each item and option to annotate pricing and sizing changes without having to make note of stock numbers, archiving and then re-create the item...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Parentmail 1 Will not implement

For Payment items that have stock quantity against the purchase options, could we have a column that shows amount sold as well as quantity left

We use this option for our Afterschool activity clubs and it would be helpful to be able to see the number of children who have purchased each club at a glance.
Sam Neal almost 2 years ago in IRIS Parentmail 4 Awaiting Prioritization

Granular Export of Pupil Registers on "View Teaching Set Lists"

We would like to be able to export various data points on any pupil register through the "View Teaching Set Lists" function in the wizard bar. Currently, data from built-in pupil registers such as "looked after" or "special educational needs" allo...
Guest 9 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Add detention name and type to confirmation emails

Where fields like work set, location, and offence code are already included in detention confirmation emails, it would be extremely useful if the detention name or type could be included in this email. Where detentions can vary in severity or cont...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Discipline Manager 0 In Discovery

Alphabetize the name of students by firstname-lastname in the Gradebooks.

Alphabetize the name of students by firstname-lastname in the Gradebooks. The marks in Gradebooks has to be transferred to the reports submitted to the Government. Government reports do have names in the alphabetical order. The teachers have to co...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Gradebooks 0 Good Feature