Add Registration Date as a column in applicants, so you can create an instant Waiting list by date registered. Currently I have to downloads the data into excel and then use a pivot table.
Some staff do not want to put an app onto their phone, they would like to claim expenses on the web therefore it would be useful to have a web portal for this purpose rather than solely an app.
Statement Bank which has a department wise option rather than being shared with the whole school.
It would be helpful if teachers could specify who they are sharing comments with (e.g. other teachers in their year group/department), or alternatively, if shared statements could be filtered by subject and year group.
Add static text to the form similar to competing products
We need to be able to add chunks of static text to a form in the admissions portal similar to competing products. The idea to create a text field in student manager with default text is non-workable. This seems a simple omission.Can this be addres...
Manually add communication to a applicant without having to do it through iSAMS
As there isn't an integration to make newsletter type emails, the only way to do this would be to use another software. But then there is no record on iSAMS that they would have been contacted this way. I would be good to have an option to add tha...
Raising on behalf of George Spencer Academy who are a large school with over 100 teachers. They would like to be able to limit permissions for teachers to be able to generate reports and view their own parents' evening appointments only.
Reports using Gradebook data should pull through to Pupil Profiles
The Assessment & Reports tab does not show any data for reports that have data which came from Gradebooks.The subjects are listed but none of the associated grades.Pupil Profiles is a key area for our teaching staff to see information on a stu...
Currently only staff of teaching groups that a student is explicitly added to are notified. If classes are linked, the teachers of linked classes are not informed.