There is nothing to prevent a student being inadvertently put into more than one set in a year group for a particular subject. It would be really useful if this could be blocked, or a flag be given, or a pop-up warning or a coloured line in the Ad...
There are so many inadequacies with the module that one wonders if new modules are tested with real school staff before being rolled out. It doesn't pick up data from Tracking Manager or Report Manager to make it easy to show historic grades/score...
I need to know the full list of people that have been assigned a licence on the purchasing side. I can see the list, but as there are alot, I will have to screen shot a few times. This would be helpful when people leave the business.
Ability to attach documents with School Fee Invoices
It would be very useful if we had the ability to add a attachments to the school fee invoice email template. We often have the need to attach documents/information with our termly invoices and currently have to use alternative methods to do this.
We would like to add an option for staff to run a report for other student registers we add to the system, similar to the current options for gifted and talented and SEN in the Student Registers on the wizard bar.
Default an optional present code to a majority (removing the placement text basically). Easier for teachers to record a minority, for example: the majority are school dinners (default code) with the option to change it to packed lunch.
Having sight of the description lines in a drop down in the search results would save so much time when looking through POs, especially when there are several from the same supplier and you want to find some info quickly.
Philippa Dykes
6 months ago
in IRIS PS Purchasing
Awaiting Prioritization
Mailmerge from an Excel Spreadsheet into Email Wizard or Letter template. I have 50 emails to send with GCSE choices to send out to parents. They are all individual and there is no way to send from iSAMS. I am going to have to send them all out se...
We have house competitions, where the winning house gets e.g. 100 points, second gets 75 etc. We would like a way to add these into Rewards & Conduct without having them attached to an individual pupil.