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Add a Preferred Gender Field and change the current Gender field to Gender At Birth

To get around the issue of Non-Binary pupils and use of gender neutral pronouns, our suggestion would be for iSAMS to create a new field in the Student Manager module called ‘Preferred Gender’ which can have 3 or more options. Then rename the exis...
Guest almost 4 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 2 Later

Custom Headings on Parent Portal

It is possible to customise the text used in the main navigation links so that it matches whatever fits the school's terminology. For example, detentions at our school are known as Punishment School. However, the headings used in the pages themsel...
Sarah Kattau 11 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Email alert to Teachers/Tutor when Notes/Documents are added

It is not currently possible to send email notifications to tutors when a Note/Document has been added to a Student's record. We add notes and documents to Student Records in our Student Manager module and can see great benefit in an email alert b...
Guest 5 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Calendar Integrations

The Activities Manager has export to Outlook as ICS file - could this please be available to Calendar Manager and ESPECIALLY to parents viewing the calendar via the PArent Portal?
Guest about 15 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Calendar Manager 8 Good Feature

Add Pupil Leaving Reason to Almuni

No description provided
Sean Corrigan almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Batch API 0 Good Feature

Allow us to hide hard-coded columns: 'Form', 'Boarding House', 'Year', and 'DOB' from the Student Registers GUI

Please could you grant users permission to hide the non-user created columns that display in the GUI of each Student Register? I'd like to hide the 'Form', 'Boarding House', and 'DOB' columns from our Access Arrangements register because it has a ...
Guest about 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Registers 1 Good Feature

Portal Form - Ability to add a further Contact

Please could we have the ability within all Portal forms (enquiry & registration) to be able to add a further contact (or more!) - this is because we have educational agents completing application forms and at the moment the form only allows 2...
Guest 11 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Admissions Manager 0 In Discovery

Allowing preselected options on other tabs when running Teaching Set Lists

Currently when you run the Teaching Set Lists, options for what teachers can see may only be preselected off the standard tab. Now you have introduced pupil registers it would be very useful to be able to preselect options from other tabs that now...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Empty Gradebook cells not being marked as 'Complete' in Report Cycle following Gradebook sync.

It would be great if, when we ran a Gradebook sync to a Report Cycle, that the students who do not have any gradebook marks are not marked as 'Complete' in the Report Cycle. It results in numerous students appearing with empty reports.
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reports Manager 0 In Discovery

add a report of N codes by date

One of the key priorities of the attendance officer is to follow up on N codes and find out where the student was so that the correct code can be assigned. There isn't any easy way to do this in iSAMS. The closest is the Specific Code Analysis rep...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Registration Manager 1 Good Feature