Asst. Form tutor role addition for leave request approval and notification
We have 2 teachers for 1 class at same level. Need to add Asst. Form tutor role addition for leave request approval and notification at Registration Manager -> leave request setting -> role setup
Separate Wellbeing access so that each HM can only see the pupils in their house.
This would enable Wellbeing to store more sensitive data on pupils at them moment the access is by level and this means all Hms can see everything which is not good.
Send Exam Fees Data from External Exams Module to Finance Modules without exporting manipulatin and then re-uploading
Add a routine that can send the external exam fees data from the external exams module directly to the finance modules. Benefit of saved time and lack of transcription errors for both Exams officers and Finance office staff.
Please could we have the option of displaying the Form name instead of the House group in brackets at the top of a child's record in Wellbeing Manager? Many of our schools do not use houses, and their Form is the most common group identifier used.
We are not using the Incidents/Accidents tab of the Discipline Record at the moment because it is not possible to send automatic notifications from there. At the moment we use the Reward&Conduct menu for adding accidents and automatically noti...
Hi it would be really helpfull to be able to do a sort of the codes in the fee section of the fee billing charge codes so that they sit correctly on our fee bill instead of having to manually move them so that the invoice looks correct.
Mailmerge from an Excel Spreadsheet into Email Wizard or Letter template. I have 50 emails to send with GCSE choices to send out to parents. They are all individual and there is no way to send from iSAMS. I am going to have to send them all out se...
Group or Restrict Data shown in the iStudent App to Academic Years
In the iStudent App (& probably the iParent App too) it would be helpful to either allow the restriction of data to an academic year or have expandable group headings of each academic year. For example Reward & Conduct data would be visibl...