It would be good if future absences would pull through on the Out of School Report, for those that have regular authorised absences. Regular absences have to be manually entered on each occasion on the OOS option, which is very time consuming. The...
Could you add to the reporting suite a report of changes to supplier bank details. Our Auditors have been asking for this for the past 2 years, so fairly sure other auditors are asking for the same thing.
communication, contact information, change request form date
On the communication tab, please could the contact information - change request form have a date of when the change is required from. We have to report the date students move house to the local authority, so if the parents had to put the chagne of...
Can the student's preferred name be added as a configuration/setting option in the Registration module front screen (only shows in the next level down if you click a student's name) and also in Teaching Sets.
I need to know the full list of people that have been assigned a licence on the purchasing side. I can see the list, but as there are alot, I will have to screen shot a few times. This would be helpful when people leave the business.
We would like to add some custom fields to contacts in Student Manager relating to employment details but would need to be able to record data about each individual in a contact record. This is fine for records that only include one individual per...