Is there a way if we could pull a report on a student with one button where we could have all their progress reports, attendance reports, et
Is there a way if we could pull a report on a student with one button where we could have all their progress reports, attendance reports, etc? In short, one central location where all reports relating to a pupil can be downloaded at the same time?
Rewards and Conducts should display all categories by default and categories links should clearly display
We have 2 different reward types separately for Secondary and Primary. The current display cause many confusing for our parents. When a parent check the child in secondary, the parent portal website looks like there is no rewards record for this c...
Daily cover report to show all entries, regardless of if covered
Could the daily cover report to show all entries, regardless of if covered. SLT want to see how many staff in/off site for the day, so not chasing staff who are out.
Customers (and me) are finding it really irritating to have to constantly resize column widths to be able to read screens / column content. For example within enquiries, maintenance using administration etc.
Angela Herbert
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Financials
Under Investigation
Have a separate PM slot that is not set or form based
Our P4 takes our PM register, but if a student truants that lesson and has O for their lesson they get 50% attendance for the day unless I overwrite the O with a present code. Therefore our lesson attendance data is incorrect as they should be sho...
Option to make the consent field mandatory in dispensing medication
It would be useful if the consent field could be mandatory to show either way, whether required or not, as when consent is requied it is possible to process the dispensing of medication without permission.
Adding Students to more than one detention at a time
In discipline manager, we would like to see the option where we can add a student to more than one detention in any given week. At present, the option is only day at a time. We run certain detentions which mean a student can be attending them all ...
It would be really useful if timed out requisitions/orders could be saved as drafts. In a busy school office, there are often interruptions part way through processing a requisition and by the time the staff get back to it, it has timed out meanin...
Vicky Redburn
8 months ago
in IRIS PS Purchasing
Awaiting Prioritization